
Here it (mostly) is! I was at my last company for a few years, so I sort of put recreating and deploying a developer portfolio/tech blog site on the backburner. With AI being way too much fun for my sleep schedule sometimes, I am proud to launch also this site.

I developed it using the static site generator Hugo, which got me interested in the Go language in general. It’s fun to pick up tangental interests when learning something.

This .dev site is the home of my portfolio (Projects to the left) my tech blog (Posts) and whatever else I end up adding to it. I have a lot of plans to expand my activity and growth in my career, so I’ll add info about conferences, my tech tutorial video channel/project (Mad Sci AI), and/ or whatever else I am up to.

While I continue adding content about projects or past posts, I am gradually expanding my current job hunt. However, I’m available for contract and/or freelance work as well. I will add more info / a post here about this, and my chatbot already answers that I’m available for these types of hires.